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Gregg Severson
Dec 1, 20193 min read
Sneaking in a Snow Bunting before the snowstorm
I have been on a remarkable run of new species in November! The weather cooperated - after an early cold snap, it got mild again. The...
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Gregg Severson
Nov 30, 20193 min read
Pedaling for a Northern Pintail
One surprising species that I still had left on my target list for the year was Northern Pintail. This species is relatively common in...
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Gregg Severson
Nov 29, 20194 min read
Cataloging a Cackling Goose
On November 22 I published a Facebook post asking for help in locating my remaining target species, to see if my fellow birders had good...
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Gregg Severson
Nov 25, 20193 min read
Angling for an American Black Duck
After getting the Long-tailed Duck, I knew I needed to head back to the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge soon, as there were...
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Gregg Severson
Nov 24, 20194 min read
Looking for a Lesser Black-backed Gull and a lovely Long-tailed Duck
After the double-success of the Iceland Gull and the White-winged Scoter on November 14th, I still had one outstanding gull to see: the...
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Gregg Severson
Nov 21, 20194 min read
Welcoming the White-winged Scoter
On November 14th, while I was still unable to bike, Kellie went for a run around Bde Maka Ska. While she was near the northeast corner...
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Gregg Severson
Nov 19, 20196 min read
Getting going again with a Glaucous Gull
After the Harris's Sparrow sighting I was coming up on a day with a lot of significance for my big year - I was scheduled for hernia...
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Gregg Severson
Nov 18, 20192 min read
Hankering for a Harris's Sparrow
One of the bird species that I really wanted to find this fall was a Harris's Sparrow. They are a visually striking sparrow, that is...
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Gregg Severson
Nov 17, 20194 min read
Rapid response to a report of a Rock Wren; resolve results in a Red-Throated Loon
On October 8 I biked to work, and while I was there, news of an extreme rarity surfaced - someone had photographed a Rock Wren at the...
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Gregg Severson
Nov 16, 20193 min read
Fortuitous fly-by (of a Rough-legged Hawk)
The week after seeing the Black-throated Blue, I was down at Minnehaha Falls to lead a bird walk for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation...
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Gregg Severson
Nov 15, 20194 min read
Breaking the record with a Black-throated Blue Warbler
After seeing the Least Sandpiper and tying the Minnesota record, I was very keen to find another species to put me over the top! I kept...
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Gregg Severson
Oct 11, 20193 min read
"Let's tie the record," said the Least Sandpiper
After seeing the American Wigeon on September 14, I was itching to find a new species to tie the MN Green birding record! I saw multiple...
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Gregg Severson
Oct 8, 20192 min read
Whistling while watching American Wigeon
After the big bike trip and the subsequent rarity chase of the Neotropic Cormorant, things calmed down quite a bit in August. ...
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Gregg Severson
Oct 6, 20193 min read
Nosing around for a Neotropic Cormorant
On July 27 (while I was away on the MS bike ride), Bruce Fall found a Neotropic Cormorant at Richfield Lake Park in Minneapolis! This is...
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Gregg Severson
Oct 5, 20197 min read
Big Bike Trip all across Minnesota
When I started my big half year I knew I wanted to raise money for important causes; one of those was the MS Society. Last year Kellie...
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Gregg Severson
Sep 28, 20193 min read
Leaning into the big year: Least Bittern and Loggerhead Shrike
What does one do when you've just finished a successful Big Half Year? Well, you just keep on birding and see what you can do for a Big...
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Gregg Severson
Sep 27, 20193 min read
Wrapping up the big half year
After dipping on the Bell's Vireo at the 140th Street Marsh, I knew I needed to try at one of the other spots for this species. The...
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Gregg Severson
Sep 25, 20194 min read
Caravan for Carver Park and Claret Park birds
On June 14, Kellie and I decided to take a big bike ride. We wanted to get in some training for the Bike MS Ride Across Minnesota that...
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Gregg Severson
Jul 6, 20193 min read
Swinging by a Swamp
So, after the Greater White-fronted Goose success on June 10th, I was ready for another chase! I biked to work the next morning, which...
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Gregg Severson
Jul 5, 20192 min read
Gawking for a Greater White-fronted Goose
After that big biking weekend, I was hoping to have a rest day and not have to bike a long way. I biked and bussed to work, totaling 10...
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